Javascript / Pixi.js - Ludum Dare 36 (Ancient Technology) - 2016

Controls :
- WASD or arrows to move
- I to open inventory
- R to use radar to locate beacons
- Left Shift to go underwater
- Space to interact with sea marks
- Left click and Right click to navigate through the dialogs

Adventure aboard the Narwhal is a top down 2D exploration game. You move around the seas in a submarine and must find parts of a relic in beacons protected by riddles. Beware of enemy ships around.

It's the second project I've made using Pixi.js and the first time using it in a jam. The idea is to learn the API of this library to use it for a rework of Ballz'y. I also started adding features that I later exported to a personal library set for controls and a dialog system. All texts and portraits were made by a friend of mine, Gwethelyn.

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